α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο π ρ Σ σ τ υ φ χ ψ ω Δ Γ Ω Σ Λ Ψ Φ Ξ Θ Π °C Greek letters

Central Collection of Strains (IBB)

Base: Plasmid collection
Number in base: 542
Plasmid name: pOBK27
Species: E.coli
Strain: MC1061 recA- (EC5404)
Genotype: recA1 endA1 relA1 thi-1 gyrA-96 hsdR17 Δ lacU169 (φ80 lacZ Δ M15) supE44
Plasmid Sequence:
Construction: isogenic parB- control for pOBK16 carrying tryptophane promoter, 4.2-kb fragment of pOBK16 depleted of parB was obtained after digestion with PflMI and partial digestion with EcoRI, then ends were repaired and religated
Plasmid properties/Comments:
Plasmid map:
Selectable Markers: Spc/Str
Antibiotic concetration:
Plasmid size: ca. 4.2 kb
Origin of replication/Incompatibility group: ori pSC101
Host range:
Other genetic elements:
Strain properties/Comments:
Author: Olga Juszczuk
Availability: non restricted
Depositor: O.Juszczuk
Deposition date: 2004-05-06
References: carries repAts gene for the temperature sensitive replication protein, the concentration of spc depends on quality of antibiotic (20-40 ug/ml in LB)), orientation of Ptrp towards repAts