α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο π ρ Σ σ τ υ φ χ ψ ω Δ Γ Ω Σ Λ Ψ Φ Ξ Θ Π °C Greek letters

Central Collection of Strains (IBB)

Base: Plasmid collection
Number in base: 769
Plasmid name: pOAR32
Species: Escherichia coli K12
Strain: EC15468
Genotype: MC1061 [F- araD139 Δ(ara-leu)7696 galE5 galK16 Δ(lac)X74 rpsL(StrR)hsdR2(rk-mk+)mcrA mcrB1] attλ::cat+ lacZ Prep-parS
Plasmid Sequence: .
Construction: pOAR31-based vector containing parB gene of P1 under the control of Ptac promoter
Plasmid properties/Comments:
Plasmid map:
Selectable Markers: kan
Antibiotic concetration:
Plasmid size: 10 kb
Origin of replication/Incompatibility group: RSF1010
Host range:
Other genetic elements:
Strain properties/Comments:
Author: Oleg Rodionov
Availability: restricted
Depositor: Aneta Dobruk - Serkowska
Deposition date: 2004-10-20 12:31+01:00
References: Rodionov et al., 1999. Science 283, 546-549