α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο π ρ Σ σ τ υ φ χ ψ ω Δ Γ Ω Σ Λ Ψ Φ Ξ Θ Π °C Greek letters

Central Collection of Strains (IBB)

Base: Plasmid collection
Number in base: 85
Plasmid name: pBEVY-GU
Species: Escherichia coli
Strain: DH5α
Genotype: F-, f80dlacZDM15 Dlac(lac ZYA-argF)U169, deoR, hsdR17 (rk-,mk-), recA1, endA1, gyrA46, pho A, sup E44, thi-1, relA1
Plasmid Sequence:
Construction: derivative of puC19 and pYEPlac195 vectors
Plasmid properties/Comments:
Plasmid map:
Selectable Markers: amp, URA3
Antibiotic concetration:
Plasmid size: 6145 bp
Origin of replication/Incompatibility group: yeast ori - 2 &mikro;m
Host range: E.coli and S.cerevisiae
Other genetic elements: fusion promoter GAL10/GAL1
Strain properties/Comments:
Author: Miller CA 3rd, Martinat MA, Hyman LE
Availability: restricted
Depositor: Iwona Rosa
Deposition date: 29.03.2002
References: Miller CA 3rd, Martinat MA, Hyman LE. 1998 Nucleic Acids Res. 26:3577-83.